Parenting in the Age of Digital Media: Technology’s Impact on Kids and Teens with Dr. Katie Davis

Are selfies really just a waste of time? Are some forms of digital media better than others when it comes to kids and teens? Do researchers know how much technology use is “too much” for youth? Like most parents, you’re probably concerned about the impact of digital media on your child’s learning, development, and well-being. On this episode, Dr. Amy and Teri are joined by Dr. Katie Davis, whose extensive research has led her to become one of the leading experts on the subject. Katie walks us through the good, the bad, and the ugly of everything from intentional design, identity development, and self-directed experiences. Find out what “digital stress” is, whether social media really causes mental health issues, and why “good enough” might be the best option when it comes to parenting through the digital age.

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Peaceful Parenting Tools with guest Sarah R. Moore

When Sarah R. Moore hears someone bemoaning a toddler’s tantrum with, “Oh, he just wants attention,” she’s likely to respond with, “Yes, and?” It’s a term she learned from an improv class but one she frequently applies to parenting. And in terms of tantrums—be it from a toddler or teen—she believes the cry for attention is due to an unmet need. Sarah joins Dr. Amy and Sandy on the Brainy Moms podcast to talk about a variety of tools she believes can be beneficial in helping children, teens, and us feel seen, safe, soothed, and secure…including story teaching, connection, and co-creating boundaries. If you’re looking for new ways to grow as a parent and help your child communicate, build resiliency, and deepen their trust and respect for you, this episode is not to be missed! Join us for this upbeat, fun, (and sometimes funny!) discussion with the author of “Peaceful Discipline: Story Teaching, Brain Science & Better Behavior.”

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Advocating for your neurodiverse student in a school system designed for the neurotypical with guest Dr. Bibi Pirayesh

Do you have a child or teen who is considered “neurodiverse” compared to their peers? It’s a broad term used often used to characterize atypical patterns of thought or behavior. But as more students are labeled “neurodiverse,” is their way of thinking truly “atypical” or simply another way of functioning beyond the standard for which our current school systems are designed? Dr. Bibi Pirayesh joined Dr. Amy and Teri to weigh in on our current educational system and the ways in which it breaks down for students who don’t fit the typical mold in terms of how their brain perceives or processes information. From homework and IEPs to ways you can advocate for your student, Dr. Pirayesh brings her knowledge and experience to the table to help parents understand how our current educational systems are designed and why so many students are falling through the cracks.

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A potty-training coach shares her tips to get your child out of diapers with guest Mary Vaughn

If you’ll be potty training your child, grandchild, or even a toddler in childcare, this Brainy Moms podcast interview hosted by Dr. Amy and Teri with guest Mary Vaughn is a must listen! (Even those of us who have been through potty training already learned a lot!) From the five signs your child is ready to start potty training and how to effectively use pull-ups, to when ADH (the antidiuretic hormone) begins being secreted to slow the production of urine overnight, this episode was so jam-packed with information that we’ve invited Mary back for part two!

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Insulin Resistance and Pre-Diabetes in Women: Using Nutrition & Fasting to Reverse the Cycle Before It’s Too Late with guest Matty Lansdown

What’s the difference between pre-diabetes and diabetes? Just how serious is insulin resistance? What strategies and methods can we use at home to control our blood sugar? Nutritionist Matty Lansdown, host of the “How to Not Get Sick and Die” podcast, joins Dr. Amy and Sandy today to share his knowledge and advice on eating for optimum health. From managing stress and boosting focus to losing weight and preventing so many of the diseases and health issues that can come from poor nutrition, you’ll learn the role that nutrient-rich foods—and junk foods—play in how you look, think, and feel. Whether you’re looking for tips on losing or maintaining weight or just want to be ‘in the know’ on the latest from the scientific and medical community regarding our current understanding of nutrition, tune in this insightful conversation. 

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Helping Your Teen To Choose Their Own Unique Path in an Academically Competitive World with guest Cindy Muchnick, M.A.

Community college? Gap year? Four-year private university? Today’s teens are facing overwhelming pressure to follow a traditional path from high school to college, often with little regard for their readiness, motivation, or interest. Cindy Muchnick, co-author of “The Parent Compass: Navigating Your Teen’s Wellness & Academic Journey in Today’s Competitive World” joined Dr. Amy and Sandy on the Brainy Moms podcast to share some advice on how to preserve your relationship with your teen while navigating a competitive academic environment. If you’re looking for insights on how to foster grit, resilience, and independence in your teen while also learning to listen to their feelings and fears, this episode will hit the spot! Combining her years of experience as a college admissions expert, high school teacher, and mother of four, Cindy offered some concrete strategies to help you navigate these crucial years and help guide your teen to THEIR preferred experience after high school.

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Intentional Parenting: Establishing Boundaries, a Family Culture, and a Growth Mindset with guest Monica Swanson

Do you struggle to find the balance between setting boundaries and giving freedoms to your kids? Do you worry that your teens are unprepared to leave the nest? Are you concerned you’re spending more time raising your voice than connecting with your toddler? Monica Swanson, author of Boy Mom: What Your Son Needs Most from You and Raising Amazing: Bring Up Kids Who Love God, Like Their Family, and Do the Dishes Without Being Asked shares her wisdom, stories, and suggestions on this episode of the Brainy Moms podcast. Although Monica has raised four boys, these valuable insights—on everything from modeling integrity to allowing your kids to fail—can be applied to any family with children or teens. 

Join Dr. Amy and Sandy as we tackle some common parenting challenges and techniques to either prevent them or approach them from a growth mindset for both parent and child.

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Peaceful Parenting Through Tough Moments at Any Age with guest Laura Reardon

If you’ve struggled to control your own emotions during a toddler tantrum or tween storm, you’re not alone. Parenting is full of everyday challenges that often lead to big feelings, bad behavior, and reactionary responses—and we’re not just talking about the kids.

Parent coach Laura Reardon joined The Brainy Moms podcast to share her insights on effective strategies to get through the toughest, most emotionally charged moments of parenting. From homework meltdowns and how unmet needs can turn into a threat response, Laura walks us through some calming techniques and supportive wording to help diffuse charged moments and refocus on a peaceful path to parenting.

If you’re tired of feeling emotionally drained and want some guidance on how to create more peace in your family without constantly turning to punitive responses, tune in for this parent-focused podcast.

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Parenting a Differently Wired Kid on Your Own Terms with guest Debbie Reber, MA

If you’re parenting a differently wired kid, you may have concerns that go beyond the already heavy stressors that can come with parenting. Am I parenting to bring out the best in my child or doing what’s comfortable, easy or socially expected? Is my child’s IEP just addressing the behavior rather than the stressors that are causing the behavior? Is my neurodivergent student going to be left behind because they don’t perform well on standardized tests despite being very smart? Am I stuck in a cycle of “compare and despair” rather than respecting my child’s unique timeline, interests and gifts?

On this episode of the Brainy Moms, podcast, Dr. Amy and Dr. Jody host a conversation with Debbie Reber, M.A., author of the book, “Differently Wired: A Parent’s Guide to Raising an Atypical Child with Confidence and Hope” and founder of Tilt Parenting. It felt like a lifeline for many of us raising neurodivergent children and teens. Offering insights, personal stories, and guidance for listeners who may be grappling with insecurities around parenting a differently wired child, Debbie provided comfort—and useful tips—to help us all gain perspective.

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Tired of yo-yo dieting? Losing weight isn’t just about what you eat (or when you eat it) with guest Matty Lansdown

Have you ever tried a diet and lost weight, only to put the weight back on a few months or a year later? Research shows that as many as 80% of overweight people who manage to slim down noticeably after a diet gain some or all of the weight back within one year. That staggering figure can be overwhelming and discouraging when we’re trying to lose weight.

Dr. Amy sat down with Matty Lansdown, founder of the Healthy Mums Collective, to discuss why so many diets leave us feeling frustrated and why the weight often comes back on, even with careful changes and restrictions. It was a fascinating conversation about our relationship with food and our inner child-inner parent relationship!

If you are looking for a gentle approach to healthy living—regardless of your current size—Matty takes an innovative approach to food, nutrition, and lifestyle that might get you started on a journey to self-love and caring for your body. These are tough topics, especially if you struggle with an eating disorder or body issues. But this is a no-shame conversation. Matty is an encourager and educates us on some different ways to think about and understand our ongoing relationship with food. As a yo-yo dieter, Dr. Amy appreciated Matty’s tip to just make “one tweak a week” to our eating habits. That seemed manageable to her. Our hope is that you’ll hear a tip that resonates with you as well. It’s a food-for-thought episode without judgement for anyone who wants to dig in a little to the topic of eating for better health.

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