ENCORE EPISODE: The Parent-Teen Partnership: 5 Steps to Create Calm and Reduce Conflict with guest Jeanine Mouchawar

Want more calm and less conflict with your teen? What if transforming your family’s communication dynamic could be as simple as a shift in mindset? Join Dr. Amy and Sandy for an engaging episode with guest Jeanine Mouchawar, a seasoned life coach for parents, as she shares her journey from conflict to connection with teenagers. Jeanine’s personal parenting experiences with academic stress, social media pressures, and ADHD challenges led her to embrace new strategies for parenting teens. In this conversation, you’ll gain insights into how these techniques can restore harmony and foster open communication within your own family.

Discover new tips for effective communication in parenting teens, rooted in the principles of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and cognitive behavioral concepts. We discuss the pivotal role of understanding the teenage transition to adulthood and adapting communication styles to support them rather than solving their problems for them. Jeanine shares how maintaining core values while fostering curiosity and encouraging teens to discover their own insights can lead to healthier relationships. By learning to manage emotions and use non-judgmental language, parents can create a supportive environment that empowers their teens.

Explore practical strategies for setting boundaries that respect and engage teenagers without resorting to control or punishment. Jeanine emphasizes the importance of validating emotions to strengthen connection and communication, helping teens process feelings like stress and embarrassment. By involving them in boundary-setting conversations, parents can guide them towards better decision-making and independence. This episode promises valuable insights for nurturing confidence and self-assurance in your teens, ultimately leading to a more harmonious home life.

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Stop Helicopter Parenting: Balancing Empathy & Boundaries with Your Teens with guest Ann Coleman

At your wits end with trying to find effective consequences for your teen’s behavior? Maybe loosening the reins rather than tightening them might work better! (Hint: Stop helicopter parenting your teen!) On this episode of the Brainy Moms podcast, Dr. Amy and Sandy interview Ann Coleman, an attorney, parent educator, and host of the podcast, Speaking of Teens. Ann shares a deeply personal journey that many parents might find all too relatable. Imagine discovering that your child, already grappling with anxiety and ADHD, has turned to marijuana. Anne’s initial reaction was to tighten the reins through control and punishment, only to watch her relationship with her son deteriorate. However, a transformative encounter with a family counselor led her to embrace empathy and understanding, an approach she now champions through her podcast and Parent Camp program.

Ann’s story prompts us to question the long-held belief in helicopter parenting and its impact on teen autonomy. As we talk about societal pressures that push teenagers to behave beyond their developmental capabilities, there’s a stark reminder of the importance of mutual respect. The conversation veers into the pitfalls of projecting perfect family lives on social media and the real harm it can cause by stigmatizing parenting struggles. We emphasize the need for balance—between stepping in to guide teens and allowing teens to face natural consequences—a critical factor that can significantly influence adolescent development.

Through personal anecdotes and expert advice, we explore the pressures surrounding academic success and the value of redefining what it means to “succeed.” From managing the distractions of college life to understanding the significance of setting and negotiating boundaries, this episode offers a comprehensive look at fostering resilience and independence in teenagers. Ann’s insights, enriched by her own family experiences, serve as a guide for parents eager to connect with their teens in more authentic and supportive ways. Listen in to discover strategies that respect and nurture your teenager’s emerging identity while maintaining a safe and supportive environment.

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Your Teen’s Anxiety: How Chores, Community, and Connection Could Help with guest Dr. Jodi Aman

Worried about your teen’s anxiety? Dr. Jodi Aman, renowned psychotherapist and TEDx speaker, joins Dr. Amy and Sandy on this episode of the Brainy Moms podcast to uncover the root causes behind the escalating anxiety epidemic among teenagers. It’s a bold statement, but modern conveniences might be making things worse. Dr. Aman suggests that the reduction in problem-solving opportunities due to cultural shifts has led to increased negativity and entitlement among teens. She argues that chores, often seen as mundane, are vital in alleviating teen anxiety, instilling resilience, and combating negative thought patterns. By categorizing chores into tedious, challenging, and generous, we examine how each type plays a crucial role in developing essential life skills and when tying chores to allowances might be appropriate.

Teen anxiety, often misunderstood as mere fear, is redefined in our conversation as a spectrum of discomfort triggered by stress hormones. Dr. Aman challenges the misconception of anxiety as a chemical imbalance and talks about the stigma that idea creates. Our discussion also touches on the historical context of anxiety, examining how our biological instincts have evolved to manage stress.

In the final segment, we explore the power of community, activities, and genuine human connections in fostering social engagement and mental well-being. Whether through family involvement in communal activities or even community theater, these experiences are pivotal in building a sense of belonging. We also offer actionable tips to guide teenagers towards a path of self-acceptance and agency. To enhance your understanding further, we present a concise guide, accessible on the author’s website, filled with practical advice for supporting the teens in your life. 

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Surviving the Teen Years: Insights from Amy Betters-Midtvedt

On this episode of the Brainy Moms podcast, we dive into the emotional and practical aspects of parenting teens, focusing on the importance of flexibility, trust, and communication. Dr. Amy and Dr. Jody interview educator, author, and mom of 5 Amy Betters-Midtvedt who highlights the challenges faced by parents as their kids grow, the necessity of establishing boundaries with technology, and the value of teaching effective friendship skills to create healthy social connections.

We discuss being flexible in parenting teenagers, navigating social media and privacy for teens, understanding and coaching friendships among teens, managing household responsibilities collaboratively, creating a bank of trust based on individual needs, and managing the emotions around the transition to an empty nest.

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5 Pillars of ADHD with Dr. Amy Moore

Today Dr. Amy Moore takes off her hostess hat at The Brainy Moms podcast and takes on the role of guest expert. Co-host Sandy Zamalis interviews Dr. Amy about her 5 Pillars of ADHD and her own experience being diagnosed at age 18 with attention deficits. Join us for this in-depth conversation from a leading expert on attention and cognitive deficits!  

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Mini-Episode: Should We Let Our Kids Quit? Making Decisions Through The Lens of Your Family’s Values

On this mini-episode of The Brainy Moms Podcast, Dr. Amy Moore and Dr. Jody Jedlicka discuss their feelings on whether it’s ok to let your kid quit an activity (such as sports or music lessons). Weighing the pros and cons of things like keeping your commitments vs. supporting your child or teen if they feel overwhelming anxiety or dread related to the activity, our co-hosts engage in an honest discussion about the tough choices parents need to make, and how these decisions can be supported by viewing them through the lens of your family’s pre-established values. This was a reflection discussion following their interview with Dr. Melanie McNally. Be sure to tune in to Dr. Melanie’s interview next week!

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The Mother Load: Finding Balance When Your Life Feels Off-Kilter with guest Leah Remillet

On this episode of “The Brainy Moms” Dr. Amy and Sandy talk with Leah Remillet, a balance strategist who helps women do less, but better. Join us to hear Leah’s suggestions around everything from scheduling joy and learning to say “no” to setting up systems in every part of your life. This high-energy and entertaining episode opens with Leah sharing her own story of how burnout led her to restructuring everything to prioritize her physical and mental health and how she came out the other side much, much happier!

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Nurturing Boys: Holistic Parenting to Raise Loving, Well-Rounded Sons with Dr. Shelly Flais

Are you tired of hearing people say, “Man up!” or “Boys will be boys” around your son? Or perhaps you’ve seen boys discouraged from liking the color pink, learning to cook meals, or expressing feelings of sadness or disappointment. If you’re ready to break generational stereotypes and raise well-rounded boys who will grow up to be well-rounded men, you won’t want to miss this episode of the Brainy Moms podcast. Dr. Amy and Sandy are joined by guest Dr. Shelly Flais, author of “Nurturing Boys to Be Better Men: Gender Equality Starts at Home,” who shares her experience as a mother of three boys and practicing pediatrician.

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Autonomy-Supportive Parenting: Reduce Stress & Raise Competent, Confident Childrenwith guest Dr. Emily Edlynn

On this episode, Dr. Amy and Teri are joined by Dr. Emily Edlynn to discuss concepts from her book, “Autonomy-Supportive Parenting; Reduce Parenting Burnout & Raise Competent, Confident Children.” If you’re burned out on doing everything for your kids, confused about punishment vs consequences, or can’t stand the thought of opening Infinite Campus one more time this semester, we encourage you to listen to Dr. Edlynn’s insights! From our three basic human needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness to letting your kids fail (without falling apart yourself!), this conversation provided some profound and thought-provoking practices that almost any parent can use.

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